Thursday 21 June 2012

Professors Are Humans Too

Aren't they scary! They stand at the front of the lecture hall like they own the place. Their thick glasses and greying hair makes them virtually impossible to connect with on any normal human level. They are academic superiors who know everything about the world which makes them super intimidating to speak to. They are...Professors!! They speak 9 different languages, are complete geniuses, soulless beings, and will laugh in your face if you even think about asking a question. 

Now back to reality! So I don't know what school from hell this professor is from but at York University, our professors are humans too. 

Like most human beings, professors have feelings too (at least most of them do). To be honest with you, most of the profs that I've had over the years have been really cool and down to earth. Although some of them might be a, the majority of them are very interesting, active, and fun people. I've met professors that love rock climbing, dancing, piano, singing, hip hop music, exercising, bowling, drinking and just having a good time. Many of them have families and know what real life is like. They are not super humans and they do have feelings as well. Most of them are really cool. Think of some of your cool friends that are really smart and might be professors one day, wouldn't you still hang out with them?

95% of my professors at York were excellent teachers. Some of them have even been good friends. Last Tuesday, I went for lunch with one of my profs and we could have talked forever about a wide variety of topics. He even bought me lunch. Im planning on going rock climbing with him some time over the summer. 

My main point is that you need to get to know your profs and don't be afraid. Who knows, you might even make a new friend. They are also VERY helpful with writing essays and doing assignments. My academic advisor loves giving personal and life advise. He's even known for giving helpful tips on fishing from time to time. 

Go approach your prof after class or during their office hours. Experience how "scary" they can be. It might even help your grades ;)

- Mike 

If you don't believe me, check this out!!


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